Lutheran Worship at Good Shepherd
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We celebrate the two sacraments that Jesus commanded the church to celebrate: Baptism and Holy Communion. These two sacraments come with the promise that Jesus remains the main actor. Because God is present, these sacraments bring the promise of life and forgiveness through the ordinary elements of the water of baptism, and the bread and wine of communion.
Through the water, the words of Christ and in faith, Baptism is our entrance into the family of God. Because this is a wonderful means through which Christ acts to ensure life in God’s family, we baptize people from infants to adults.
Baptisms are generally celebrated within the context of the Sunday worship service. Our Pastor should be contacted for information and arrangements.
Holy Communion
Communion is a central focus in our life as God’s people at Good Shepherd, along with proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. We believe Jesus Christ comes to us and gives us all of himself through the mystery of his real presence in bread and wine. We receive him in faith through his words “this is my body” and “this is my blood”. In baptism, we are his; in communion he is ours.
All are welcome to the Lord’s Table without exception, including children. If you do not wish to take the bread and wine, but wish to receive a blessing, please come forward during communion and cross your arms across your chest while at the table. Our Pastor will know to give you a blessing instead.
*Note: Bread is offered in the form of a wafer. We also have a gluten-free alternative. Wine is given in individual glasses as well as grape juice for those who wish to have an alternative. (the wine is red, the grape juice is clear.)