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Our Vision
Saved by grace; called to serve   



Our Mission
A caring community, anchored in Christ; reaching out to all people



We acknowledge that we gather on Treaty Six territory to the north of the Red Deer River and Treaty Seven territory to the South of the Red Deer River.  We acknowledge the many First Nations, Metis and Inuit footsteps that have marked these lands for centuries and whose respectful stewardship have enabled us all to enjoy the riches of the Creator’s blessings.



Our church is a community of faith serving Red Deer and area. We organised in 1985, meeting in the Dawe Centre for four years. In 1990 the present house of worship at 40 Holmes Street was dedicated.


We are a friendly, helpful, open congregation of Christians of all ages, races and backgrounds. We love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ and want to be good neighbours.


We encourage you to attend and be faithful members of the church of your choice, but if you have no present church affiliation we would be most happy to welcome you to our fellowship.


We proclaim the gospel of Christ as revealed in the Bible, and as witnessed to by the historic confessions of faith in the Lutheran Reformation, especially the Augsburg Confession of 1530 and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.


We worship in accordance with liturgical traditions handed down, renewed and adapted by Christians through many centuries. We desire to provide a true balance of Christ shared in the Word, and Sacraments in each service of the Lord’s Day, week by week. The word of God and the Sacraments are the centre of our life together at Good Shepherd.


We serve one another and our neighbours in a variety of forms: visitation of the sick and shut-ins, assisting and cooperation with inter-church community activities, Red Deer Ministerial agencies, programs of evangelism and social services.


We actively support efforts such as the local Food Bank, the Mustard Seed and Canadian Lutheran World Relief.

Our church is a community of faith serving Red Deer and area. We organised in 1985, meeting in the Dawe Centre for four years. In 1990 the present house of worship at 40 Holmes Street was dedicated.


We are a friendly, helpful, open congregation of Christians of all ages, races and backgrounds. We love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ and want to be good neighbours.


We encourage you to attend and be faithful members of the church of your choice, but if you have no present church affiliation we would be most happy to welcome you to our fellowship.


We proclaim the gospel of Christ as revealed in the Bible, and as witnessed to by the historic confessions of faith in the Lutheran Reformation, especially the Augsburg Confession of 1530 and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.


We worship in accordance with liturgical traditions handed down, renewed and adapted by Christians through many centuries. We desire to provide a true balance of Christ shared in the Word, and Sacraments in each service of the Lord’s Day, week by week. The word of God and the Sacraments are the centre of our life together at Good Shepherd.


We serve one another and our neighbours in a variety of forms: visitation of the sick and shut-ins, assisting and cooperation with inter-church community activities, Red Deer Ministerial agencies, programs of evangelism and social services.


We actively support efforts such as the local Food Bank, the Mustard Seed and Canadian Lutheran World Relief.

ur church is a community of faith serving Red Deer and area. We organised in 1985, meeting in the Dawe Centre for four years. In 1990 the present house of worship at 40 Holmes Street was dedicated.


We are a friendly, helpful, open congregation of Christians of all ages, races and backgrounds. We love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ and want to be good neighbours.


We encourage you to attend and be faithful members of the church of your choice, but if you have no present church affiliation we would be most happy to welcome you to our fellowship.


We proclaim the gospel of Christ as revealed in the Bible, and as witnessed to by the historic confessions of faith in the Lutheran Reformation, especially the Augsburg Confession of 1530 and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.


We worship in accordance with liturgical traditions handed down, renewed and adapted by Christians through many centuries. We desire to provide a true balance of Christ shared in the Word, and Sacraments in each service of the Lord’s Day, week by week. The word of God and the Sacraments are the centre of our life together at Good Shepherd.


We serve one another and our neighbours in a variety of forms: visitation of the sick and shut-ins, assisting and cooperation with inter-church community activities, Red Deer Ministerial agencies, programs of evangelism and social services.


We actively support efforts such as the local Food Bank, the Mustard Seed and Canadian Lutheran World Relief.




Phone the church office for dates, times and more information about these programs.  403-340-1022

Sunday School

Sunday classes for children who are from nursery to grade 8, are heSunday classes for children who are from nursery to grade 8, are held each Sunday at 9:30 am from September to Juneld each Sunday at 9:30 am from September to Jun

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